Answer: No better way. That is the best way.
Bottom line is, you can cry if you want to...or you can take your Farr 30 to a beer can race in the pouring rain.
And then maybe you could get run into by a Moore 24 at the start line...poor girl...Nef & her gelcoat took one for the birthday team. Thanks Nef!
And then you might also get lucky enough to take the lovely Schooner Lavengro to stern while she's out on the lake looking particularly fabulous...
And then, after bagging the wet bullet in near-freezing temperatures, you sit around a fire solving nothing with all of your favorite people and realize it's a nice thing to live in Seattle and be surrounded by those to whom the Seattle passive aggressive "Yes! We should totally hang out! Next Sunday at 3pm?" crap simply does not apply.
Sailors, man. Sailors.
Sailors and people who can stand sailors.
They're the BEST.
Winter beer can races in the freezing rain aren't fun? Hm. Not sure what you mean. |